Join Brooks Bell’s 2020 Bullet Dodgers.

We’re looking for 50 young people to help us elevate the conversation about colonoscopies.


50 Colonoscopies Under 50 is a campaign to demystify colonoscopies and celebrate young adults who have gotten the procedure. We aim to send the message that colonoscopies are not a big deal; in truth, they could save your life.

Who can be a bullet dodger?

The second annual 50 Under 50 list will feature people who in 2020:

  • Have gotten a colonoscopy within the last 3 years,

  • Are under 50 years old (or were at the time of your colonoscopy)

  • Are willing to share their story and be featured on our website.

  • OR are willing to pledge to get a colonoscopy within the next year (by March 2020).

What’s in it for You:

  • Recognition and peace of mind for taking this important step to ensuring your long-term health.

  • An exclusive invitation to the inaugural 50 Colonoscopies Under 50 Gala where we will celebrate you and raise money for the treatment and prevention of colon cancer.

Participants will be featured on the 50 Colonoscopies Under 50 website and associated channels. Given this, please feel free to include as much (or as little) detail about your story as you feel comfortable with. Thank you in advance for your bravery and willingness to join our cause!


Let Brooks know
you’re in.

Feeling very "been-there-done-that” about colonoscopies?


Haven’t had one, but feeling inspired?
Take the pledge >>